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Executive Board 

Privacy Policy

By accessing Foley Durham websites and/or submitting your personal information to Foley Durham through any means, you consent to the use of your information as set out in the Policy. If you do not agree with any term of the Policy, please do not use Foley Durham's services or website.

Collecting your personal information

The Policy relates to personal information collected by any means. It is Foley Durham's usual practice to collect this personal information directly from you. However, often your personal information is collected through the use of Foley Durham's website or in response to Foley Durham's printed and online advertisements. Furthermore, there may be occasions when Foley Durham will source personal information from an external third party, or a publicly available source. In these circumstances, Foley Durham will take reasonable steps where practicable to inform you that it has collected personal information from the third party.

The type of personal information we collect and use will depend on various factors such as the type of services you request or use and any applicable legal and regulatory obligations. This may include, but is not limited to, collection and use of the following kinds of information:

  • Contact – information that allows us to communicate with you (e.g. e-mail, social media contact details, address, telephone number).

  • Identity – information that allows us to identify you (e.g. name, date of birth, occupation, and government-issued identification).

  • Professional – information that helps us to understand more about you including your employment history, qualifications, talents, skills and abilities (e.g. references, resume and qualification documents).

  • Financial – information that allows Foley Durham to pay you should you be engaged as an employee or contractor (e.g. bank details, tax details).

  • Other individuals – information we request, or that you provide, about an individual other than yourself (e.g. previous employer and referees).

  • Immigration – information that allows us to verify that you are legally permitted to work (e.g. evidence of citizenship, visa or work permit documents).


As a general rule, Foley Durham does not collect sensitive information about you (e.g. health information) unless relevant or necessary for the purposes of providing our services to you. However, in circumstances where Foley Durham requires sensitive information from you, Foley Durham will first seek your consent to collect it.


If you do not provide information, or the information provided is insufficient or inaccurate, Foley Durham will be limited in its ability to provide its services to you.

Use of personal information

Foley Durham collects your personal information so that Foley Durham can:

  • Assist you in finding or retaining work;

  • Assist in your career performance or management;

  • Analyse human resource and labour markets;

  • Develop tests and assessments in order to place you in appropriate roles;

  • Pay you should you be engaged as an employee or contractor;

  • Help in work rehabilitation;

  • Directly market recruitment services to you (you have a right to opt-out from receiving direct marketing emails); or

  • Provide you with Foley Durham’s services.

Use by third parties

Foley Durham may use and disclose your personal information to third parties for the purposes it was collected, or for a related or ancillary purpose such as providing you with one of our services. Accordingly, Foley Durham may disclose your personal information to a number of third parties (located onshore or overseas), including but not limited to:

  • Foley Durham's related entities;

  • prospective employers;

  • clients who may wish to engage your services as a contractor or temporary employee;

  • Foley Durham suppliers or service providers, including (but not limited to) organisations that conduct competency or psychometric tests or payroll processing services on behalf of Foley Durham;

  • your nominated referees;

  • any government authority;

  • any law enforcement body, including the police; or

  • any educational or vocational organisations to the extent necessary to verify your qualifications.


If Foley Durham discloses personal information to any third party, Foley Durham will generally require these parties to protect such personal information in the same way that Foley Durham does.


Foley Durham is an executive search firm operating in Australia. From time to time, it is possible that Foley Durham may need to transfer your data overseas in connection with the provision of services to you. The country or countries to which your data may be transferred is not restricted and may include: countries within the Americas, Europe or the United Kingdom; Ireland, the People’s Republic of China (including Hong Kong); India; Singapore; Australia; New Zealand or such other countries as advised from time to time.

Data quality
Foley Durham takes reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information it collects is accurate, up to date and complete.

In circumstances where your personal information has changed please contact the Privacy Officer, they will endeavour to update and correct the information in accordance with applicable privacy law. Foley Durham may also contact you from time to time to check the information is still correct.

Data security and storage
Foley Durham takes reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from loss, unauthorised access, and misuse. The use of locks and security systems assist Foley Durham in protecting your personal information. Your personal information may be stored in hard copy documents, or electronically on Foley Durham's software or systems. When no longer required, personal information is destroyed in a secure manner or deleted.

Information collected on Foley Durham's website
Users are advised that there are inherent risks in transmitting information across the internet. The Internet is an open system and Foley Durham cannot guarantee that the personal information you submit will not be intercepted by others. Our websites may include links to external websites operated by other organisations. They may collect personal information from visitors to their site. Foley Durham cannot guarantee the content or privacy practices of any external websites and does not accept responsibility for those websites.

When you access Foley Durham's website, Foley Durham gathers information about users collectively. Such information includes the areas that users visit most frequently and the services users access the most. Foley Durham will only use such data anonymously and in the aggregate. By doing so, Foley Durham can optimise the services it provides to you.


Foley Durham may also collect personal information that individuals choose to provide via online forms or by email. Any personal information provided online is treated in the same manner as any personal information collected through other means (unless specifically outlined in this Policy).

Feedback submitted to Foley Durham

Foley Durham websites have several areas on the site where you can submit feedback. Foley Durham may use this feedback for marketing purposes, or to contact you for further feedback.

Changes to this policy

Foley Durham may change this Policy from time to time for any reason and will update the Policy accordingly.


Contacting Foley Durham

Please contact our Privacy Officer at Foley Durham if you have a request relating to any of the following:

  • if you would like to access, or correct, your personal information held by Foley Durham;

  • if you would like your personal information removed from the Foley Durham database;

  • if you would like to opt-out of receiving direct marketing e-mails; or

  • any general queries relating to this Policy.

Privacy complaints

If you have a privacy-related complaint, you may contact the Privacy Officer at the email address set out above. Your email should set out sufficient details of your complaint, including any alleged breach of applicable privacy law.

  • The Privacy Officer must consider your complaint and will contact you within a reasonable time to advise you of their determination and/or to request further details;

  • In the event that the Privacy Officer determines that there has been a breach of this Policy, the Privacy Officer will direct Foley Durham to take appropriate steps to rectify that breach and will keep you informed of both the nature of the breach and the steps taken to rectify the breach.

  • The Privacy Officer will keep a secure record of all complaints.

If you are living or looking for work in Victoria we are required by law to advise you of the following:

  • we must not charge you a fee for the purpose of finding employment;

  • we must not engage in misleading or deceptive conduct (such as advertising a position as being available when we know that no such position exists, or knowingly giving misleading information to you about the nature of a position); and

  • if you believe that we have acted inappropriately, you may contact the Office of Fair Trading for information on possible action that may be taken.


Foley Durham are specialists in optimising the composition of C-suite executive teams, boards and organisations. As trusted advisors to many CEOs and Boards for succession planning, talent acquisition, retention, leadership and executive coaching, we are an independent talent and board advisory firm focused on relationships with leading employers.

Foley Durham recognises that the two most important issues confronting business are ‘people’ and ‘capital’. Over the years, we have developed strategic relationships with some of Australia’s premier private equity, corporate advisory (M&A) and equity capital market (ECM) firms to provide independent advice on both C-Suite and Board appointments. 

Our philosophy is to develop deep and committed relationships with a small number of clients to help them deliver superior performance by optimising the composition of their Board, Executive and Management teams. We deliver tailored outcomes which are innovative, personalised and aligned to your strategy


PO Box 9044,

Brighton VIC 3186

ABN: 28 607 849 034

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