Anna Lissauer
General Manager, Operations
Having a passion for a holistic approach to Human Resources and Executive Search, Anna is responsible for the overall strategic and operational performance of the Foley Durham Pty Ltd business with a particular emphasis on the growth and profitability agenda and ensuring client value is delivered, including development and implementation of a strategic plan to advance the company’s vision, strategies and objectives and to promote revenue, profitability and growth.
Currently undertaking her MBA with a focus on Change Management, Anna has a keen interest, operational focus and background to drive a number of efficiency projects including developing internal systems and processes that combine innovative solutions with practical and usable tools.
Before joining Foley Durham, Anna held executive administrative positions within the commercial furniture / FF&E industry, and Supply Chain/Import Demand Planning in an Australian owned national commercial flooring business. She has also worked in the Not-For-Profit sector supporting owners / founders, CEO’s and Board Members on a national level.
Anna is a member of the NZ Institute of Directors (IoD), Australian HR Institute (AHRI) and HR New Zealand (HRNZ), holds a Certificate IV in HR Management covering:
Business-driven human resources
Recruitment and workplace relations
Building and developing talent
Performance management
Workplace health and safety
Measuring HR effectiveness
If you have any requirement for policy creation, position descriptions, staff training needs or information with regards to WHS, Anna would be more than happy to assist.
When not in the office or working towards her MBA with a focus in change management and HR, Anna enjoys Latin dance, spending time with her family, travel, kayaking and hiking.